Instructions for authors

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  • JSAP is a journal for the practitioners of ‘Shuddha Ayurveda’ and hence it is expected that the article is written in accordance with the teachings in the Samhitas and not based on Integrative methods of study.
  • All the Ayurvedic terminology/ Sanskrit or regional language terms should essentially be in italics and in lower case/ small letters. For example – (dosha, pachana)
  • Ayurvedic names of plants should also be mentioned in italics with the first letter capitalized. In case the article concerns the study or application of any specific ‘karma’, the name of the karma should be italicized with the first letter capital, each time it is mentioned/ used in the article.
  • Authors may use the ‘tilde’ (~) sign for explaining the Ayurvedic terminology. For example – ‘Shvasa (~ asthma) or Jvara (~ fever)’. Terminology should be explained only when the word is used for the first time in the article. Indiscriminate use of tilde to find parallel English words for all Ayurvedic terminology should be avoided. Authors are requested not to avoid vague and unwarranted interpretation Ayurvedic terms like for example rakta dhaatu (~ blood tissue). Acceptance of the explanations offered with tilde in the article shall also be a part of editorial discretion to maintain uniformity in journal content and style.
  • It is imperative to avoid repeated use of translated English words, especially for Ayurvedic terminology. (For example – Use the Ayurvedic terminology ‘nidra’ instead of sleep, wherever possible and avoid the use of translated English words all throughout the article).
  • Authors are expected to use the ‘ITRANS’ key of transliteration while using Sanskrit/ Ayurvedic words. The key is provided for download on the journal site.
  • The font ‘Times New Roman - size 12’ is the preferred font for articles submitted in English. For the articles submitted in Devnagari script, using any of the Unicode compatible fonts like ‘Baraha EME’, Loksatta, Millennium etc. 


  • Tables used in the manuscripts should be self-explanatory, listed in order of their first citation in the manuscript and supplied with a brief legend for each.
  • Authors should avoid tables of more than 5 columns and 10 rows.
  • Abbreviations used in the tables should be duly explained in the footnotes.
  • Tables with their legends should be placed after the references in the ‘Article file’.
  • Point of insertion of tables in the texts should be marked in square brackets. For example [ Table 1].



General guidelines

  • References should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the texts. (Not in alphabetical order)
  • References should be numbered in the text in Arabic numerical, in superscript square brackets after the punctuation marks. For example – The attributes of the vaata dosha, [2] pitta dosha, [3] and the kapha dosha[4]….
  • Please do not cite references in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations of journal names should be used as per the guidelines given by Index Medicus (
  • Complete names of the journal should be mentioned for non-indexed journals.

Referencing from Ayurvedic Classics –

These guidelines are written with an intention to bring uniformity to the referencing style while presenting articles written for JSAP.

  • Original Ayurvedic classics with their respective Sanskrit commentaries should be the first choice of texts preferred for referencing.
  • In case of unavailability of original texts, references may be cited from Hindi translations of classics, from Marathi or any other regional language translation or from English translations and in the same order of preference. 
  • Please avoid use of ‘Titles of Veneration’ like Shree, Shrimad, Ayurbhishak, Aacharya, Vaidya, Pandit, Dr., Prof., Shastri etc. while writing references.
  • Names of the editors of classics should be mentioned with their surnames first, followed by the initials of their first name. For example – Acharya YT, Upadhyaya YN, Kulkarni DA.
  • JSAP advocates the use of complete name of original authors of classics like Sushruta, Agnivesha, Bhava Mishra, Sharangadhara.
  • Please do not include the names of reviser(s) or rewriters of the classics if these have undergone revision. For example, even when the Charaka samhita we see today has been revised by Charaka and Dhrudabala, the inclusion of their names is not expected while referencing.
  • Ayurvedic words like Shloka, Adhyaaya, Vyaakhya would be preferred to English translations of verse, chapter and commentary.
  • Please mention the names of ‘Sthaana or Khanda’ as they appear in original texts. Like for example ‘Sootrasthaana’, ‘Madhyakhanda’ etc.
  • Most popular names of classics are preferred when the same classic is known by two different names. Like for example – ‘Kaashyapa Samhita’ is also known as ‘Vriddha Jiivaka Tantra’, while the original name of ‘Maadhav Nidaan’ is ‘Rog Vinishchaya’.
  • For references from commentaries on classics, please use the names of both the commentary and the name of the commentator. For example, Ayurveda Dipika of Chakrapani Dutta on Charaka Samhita.
  • Bibliography of the points to be mentioned for references from Ayurvedic classics –

Name of the compendium                                                      Original author

Name of the commentator and commentary (wherever applicable)

Sthaana/ Khanda (Name)                                                        Adhyaaya

Shloka                                                                                     Editor of the compendium     

No. of the edition                                                                   Place of publication

Publisher                                                                                 Year of publication

Volume (I, II)                                                                         Page number


  • References can be written as

Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha. Sootrasthaana; Shadvirechanashatashritiiyam adhaayam: Adhyaaya 4, Shloka 6. Acharya YT, editor, 4th ed. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Varanasi, 1981; 30.


  • References from commentary

Commentary Ayurveda-Dipika of Chakrapanidatta on Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha. Sootrasthaana; Shadvirechanashatashritiiyam adhaayam: Adhyaaya 4, Shloka 6. Acharya YT, editor, 4th ed. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Varanasi, 1981; 30.


  • Referencing from regional language books

Panchabhautika Chikitsaa and Balarog. Datar AV. (Marathi). 1st ed. Satara: Prakruti Printers; 1988.


  • JSAP does not advocate the use of ibid. (short form - ibidem, Latin) for a citation that was cited in the preceding reference. Authors are advised to mention the entire reference again with relevant changes.


  • For Citing references from biomedical journals, books and other monographs, citing of electronic sources as in journal articles on the internet, monographs on the internet and other references such as newspaper items, JSAP advocates the guidelines developed by the International Committee of Medical Editors, available for download at (